Listen to the Mustn'ts

Listen to the Mustn’ts by Shel Silverstein.

“Listen to the MUSTN’TS, child,
Listen to the DON’TS
Listen to the SHOULDN’TS
Listen to the NEVER HAVES
Then listen close to me-
Anything can happen, child,
ANYTHING can be”
Another incredibly inspiring poem by Silverstein. I have my students read this poem every year, and it hangs proudly on my wall. How wonderful that there was a man who encouraged children to become anything they wanted–to dream and hope, regardless of their situations in life. This poem is without a doubt one of my favorites, and I hope it inspires you as much now as it did when you read it as a child. Wouldn’t it be amazing if we all continued to live our lives by Silverstein’s philosophy? If we still ignored the mustn’ts? We really should try to more often.

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"Os únicos demônios neste mundo são os que perambulam em nossos corações, e é aí que as nossas batalhas devem ser travadas." Maha...