Listen to the Mustn'ts

Listen to the Mustn’ts by Shel Silverstein.

“Listen to the MUSTN’TS, child,
Listen to the DON’TS
Listen to the SHOULDN’TS
Listen to the NEVER HAVES
Then listen close to me-
Anything can happen, child,
ANYTHING can be”
Another incredibly inspiring poem by Silverstein. I have my students read this poem every year, and it hangs proudly on my wall. How wonderful that there was a man who encouraged children to become anything they wanted–to dream and hope, regardless of their situations in life. This poem is without a doubt one of my favorites, and I hope it inspires you as much now as it did when you read it as a child. Wouldn’t it be amazing if we all continued to live our lives by Silverstein’s philosophy? If we still ignored the mustn’ts? We really should try to more often.


I wear this crown of thorns upon my liar’s chair
Full of broken thoughts I cannot repair
Beneath the stains of time, the feelings disappear
You are someone else…
I am still right here

All of these poems have something important in common. Love? No. Life? No. Rhyming schemes? No, stop guessing, sheesh!
They are all lyrics to songs. Perhaps it’s the fact that lyrics don’t have to be good for people to like the song. Or maybe it’s that songwriters have to focus on lyrics and music at the same time. But for whatever reason, I see great humility in song lyrics that I don’t see nearly as often in stand-alone poems. People write from the heart, and say what they want to say. If they’re good writers, that’s great. If they’re not, I can still feel it. For example, an über-pop princess has this to say about her childhood:
Bruises fade father, but the pain remains the same
And I still remember how you kept me so afraid
Strength is my mother for all the love she gave
Every morning that I wake I look back to yesterday
And I’m OK
Perhaps some people would say that isn’t the most well-written poetry. It’s still powerful, and it still gives me chills. When somebody writes what they are truly feeling at that moment in time, even without beautiful adjectives and clever stanzas, it still works.
So stop trying so damn hard! I most likely won’t understand what the hell you’re talking about, and won’t be able to relate to you.

Life and Love

Life and Love

Walking, stumbling, on these shadow-feet
Toward home, a land that I’ve never seen
I am changing: less and less asleep
Made of different stuff than when I began
And I have sensed it all along
Fast approaching is the day
When the world has fallen out from under me
I’ll be found in you, still standing
When the sky rolls up and mountains fall on their knees
When time and space are through
I’ll be found in you

But, I can’t change the fact you’re gone.

“Our story is quite a shame,
Bout two star-crossed lovers and their pain,
And how’d they never love each other again.
But I need you,
To see through
The cracks in the window,
That blinded us both.
Hear the sirens,
See through the black smoke,
That our animosity is what bound us most.
And I never meant to hurt you,
Never meant to do you harm.
And I never meant to hurt you,
But, I can’t change the fact you’re gone.
Don’t know what’s next,
And I don’t want to know, no, not yet.
Still having trouble trying to forget,
Trying not to settle down in regret.
And I never meant to hurt you,
Never meant to do you harm.
And I never meant to hurt you,
But, I can’t change the fact you’re gone.
And if this is the end of us,
Burn the bridges down,
Cast fire to the whole town.
Let everything rust,
Let the past turn into dust.
Then let’s sit back and watch the sparks fly,
Then let’s say our last goodbyes.
Alone I stand,
Sparks flying in the air.
I see you standing there,
But, you put your weapon down,
And said, “It’s only fair.”
This was the lyrics I made to Coldplay-Trouble (instrumental). Beautiful song.

A Sigh For Me ( A poem for Madhuri Dixit)

A Sigh For Me ( A poem for Madhuri Dixit)
Twenty years I had stood by your yard
In sun and rain, in snow and hail,
My heart full of love, hands full of flowers
And eyes expecting one day you would see;
Twenty summers had passed, and twenty winters
And twenty autumns and twenty springs,
Many a time you came and looked out
To where I stood from your balcony;
And never did I know from your empty eyes
Whether you had noticed me or not
Or cared to think someone’s waiting outside
Before time from all hopes made me free.
If ever, on some lonely rainy day
You happen to stand by your window
Listening to the patters of rains on the leaves of deodar –
Look will you into your heart if there’s a sigh for me?


I love you like water
Dew in the morning
Clouds in the daylight
Fog at night
I love you like water
Down from the sky as rain
Flows in the valley as a river
Gathered into lakes and ocean
I love you like water
Drip drop by drop but through the rocks
Seeped from the root to the tip of the leaf
Evaporated up to the sky to preach the life
I love you
Like anything
I thought
I saw
I heard
I felt
I love you
Like never before
So deep
So high
So big
So extensive
I love you
Like mad
I love you
Like artist
I love you
In the words I can’t found
In the real I can’t described
In my heart I can’t shown

This poem is one of the most wonderful poems i’ve ever read

I just want u to know,
That our love for each other has helped us to grow
We’ve been through some tough times but we’ve mad it through
The only one i trusted was you
You helped me through’ve chased away fears
You stayed by myside when the whole world turned away
You helped me see joy when the skies were all grey
I’m not sure im always the best to you
I know im not perfect, but this much is true
Whether we sink or swim doesnt matter at all
Just know that I’ll be there for you whenever you call
And if there is heaven then i know you’ll be there
That if u die first then you’ll hear every prayer,
And soon i’ll join you,but just know until then
That I’ll be missing you each day until I see you again…

Looking For Your Face!

Looking For Your Face
From the beginning of my life
I have been looking for your face
but today I have seen it
Today I have seen
the charm, the beauty,
the unfathomable grace
of the face
that I was looking for
Today I have found you
and those who laughed
and scorned me yesterday
are sorry that they were not looking
as I did
I am bewildered by the magnificence
of your beauty
and wish to see you
with a hundred eyes
My heart has burned with passion
and has searched forever
for this wondrous beauty
that I now behold
I am ashamed
to call this love human
and afraid of God
to call it divine
Your fragrant breath
like the morning breeze
has come to the stillness of the garden
You have breathed new life into me
I have become your sunshine
and also your shadow
My soul is screaming in ecstasy
Every fiber of my being
is in love with you
Your effulgence
has lit a fire in my heart
for me
the earth and sky
My arrow of love
has arrived at the target
I am in the house of mercy
and my heart
is a place of prayer


O grande tibetano um dia falou:
A boca só fala do que o coração está cheio!
Ei não se preocupe com a higiene bucal,
amar é do que seu coração necessita 
para se limpar e te fazer levitar,
sem o peso da sujeira que teima em 
não te abandonar cada vez que negas amor!

Petrobras vai reduzir investimentos no Brasil e no exterior

Petrobras vai reduzir investimentos no Brasil e no exterior

A ministra do Planejamento, Orçamento e Gestão, Miriam Belchior, anunciou uma redução de R$ 800 milhões nos investimentos da Petrobras no país e de R$ 4 bilhões nos investimentos em subsidiárias e projetos da estatal no exterior.

As Melhores da Dinheiro: Petrobras é a campeã no setor de Combustível, Óleo e Gás

A Petrobras, que realizou em 2012 o maior investimento anual da sua história, com mais de R$ 84 bilhões, sagrou-se a grande vencedora na área de combustíveis da AS MELHORES DA DINHEIRO. No mesmo período, a estatal bateu recorde de processamento em seu parque de refino e aumentou a produção no pré-sal, que superou em julho de 2013 a marca de 311 mil barris diários.

IBAMA faz acordo com IBP para qualificar gestão ambiental

Capacitação de profissionais e aprimoramento do processo de avaliação de impactos ambientais, bem como de gestão de meio ambiente.

Crise azeda parceria entre Eike e Esteves

Desde março, quando BTG e EBX firmaram acordo, ações da petroleira OGX caíram 83%, e as do banco, 20%
Grupo empresarial teme que banco esteja mais preocupado com seus negócios; BTG se ressente de lentidão

Orçamento para 2014 prevê redução de investimentos da Petrobras

A Petrobras terá uma redução nos investimentos de R$800 milhões. Ao detalhar os gastos das estatais previstos no Projeto de Lei Orçamentária Anual para 2014, a ministra do Planejamento, Orçamento e Gestão, Miriam Belchior, anunciou que haverá também uma redução de R$ 4 bilhões nos investimentos em subsidiárias e projetos da estatal no exterior.

Grupo apresenta ao MCTI projetos no setor de petróleo e gás

O secretário executivo do Ministério da Ciência, Tecnologia e Inovação (MCTI), Luiz Antonio Elias, recebeu nesta quinta-feira (29), em Brasília, o vice-presidente de Assuntos Corporativos da BG Brasil, Paulo Macedo, que apresentou estratégias da empresa para o desenvolvimento de tecnologia e inovação no Brasil para o setor de petróleo e gás. 

Eike se desfaz de 1,54% do capital da OGX e pretende vender mais

O empresário Eike Batista se desfez de 49,8 milhões de ações de sua petroleira OGX na quarta-feira (28), ou 1,54% do capital da empresa, e pretende realizar vendas adicionais pontuais da companhia em montante total superior a 5%.

OGX já atrasa pagamentos a grandes fornecedores

A movimentação para venda de ativos das empresas de Eike Batista é a ponta mais visível das negociações frenéticas que estão ocorrendo no momento no grupo, que tenta reestruturar suas dívidas e já atrasa pagamentos para prestadores de serviços essenciais, enquanto tenta vender as plataformas flutuantes de produção e armazenamento (FPSOs) que pertencem à OSX.

Ibama regulamenta transferência de petróleo entre embarcações

O presidente do Ibama, Volney Zanardi Junior, assinou a Instrução Normativa nº16, publicada na quarta-feira (28) no Diário Oficial da União (DOU), regulamentando procedimentos técnicos e administrativos relativos a emissão da autorização ambiental para operações 'ship to ship' em águas jurisdicionais brasileiras. A norma estabelece, entre outros, critérios para prevenção e resposta a emergências, além da restrição de áreas para a execução das operações.

Inova Petro divulga resultado final

A Financiadora de Estudos e Projetos (Finep), o Banco Nacional do Desenvolvimento (BNDES) e a Petrobras divulgaram o resultado da Seleção dos Planos de Negócios, após os recursos enviados, no âmbito do primeiro edital do programa Inova Petro, lançado em setembro de 2012. Foram escolhidas onze empresas, que repartirão recursos da ordem de R$ 353 milhões.

Conaportos unifica Siscomex e porto sem papel

A Comissão Nacional das Autoridades nos Portos (Conaportos) anunciou que entrou em funcionamento na terça-feira (27), o primeiro nível de integração dos sistemas de informações referentes a cargas do Fisco, do Departamento de Marinha Mercante (DMM) e da Secretaria de Portos (SEP).

Superintendente do Porto de Itajaí se reúne com deputado

O deputado federal Décio Lima (PT-SC) recebeu, em Brasília, o superintendente do Porto de Itajaí (SC), Antônio Aires, e o diretor-superintentende da APM Terminais do Brasil, Ricardo Arten, para tratarem de obras da Bacia de evolução, necessárias para que navios maiores manobrem e atraquem nos terminais do complexo.

Navio-tanque da Marinha pode ser visitado no Porto de Paranaguá

Neste sábado e domingo (31 e 01), o navio-tanque Marajó, da Marinha do Brasil, estará atracado no Porto de Paranaguá e terá visitação aberta ao público das 14h às 18 horas nos dois dias.


"Os únicos demônios neste mundo são os que perambulam em nossos corações, e é aí que as nossas batalhas devem ser travadas." Maha...